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Rights of a registrant and complaint procedure

Dear Registrant, know your rights!

  1. As a registrant of a domain name, you have rights and obligations, specified in the .pl Domain Names Regulations,
    irrespective of the regulations of a registrar servicing your domain name.

  2. If you cannot come to an agreement with a registrar on issues regarding the service of your domain name or you assume that the registrar has infringed your rights, please report it to NASK.*

  3. Registrar cannot execute the actions, specified below, without your consen:

    • transfer of domain name service to other registrar,
    • change of the registrant of a domain name,
    • data update,
    • deletion of a domain name.
  4. Be sure that your contact data are up to date, and in particular, your e-mail address stored in the .pl registry. That address will be used to send confirmations of significant changes of your domain name (e.g. change of data of a registrant of a domain name, transfer confirmation) as well as to contact you by NASK.

  5. Ask your registrar whether you will be notified on the end of the billing period of your domain name, and if yes, in what way.

  6. You can transfer domain name service from registrar X to registrar Y. On your request a registrar is obliged to release the authinfo code without undue delay. The registrar cannot depend releasing the authinfo code on any additional conditions, including the payment of a fee. Payments due may be pursued by the registrar (if you have agreed thereto, e.g. by accepting registrar’s regulations or conditions of an offer) irrespective of the release of the code.

* If you have encountered any actions infringing registrant’s rights or inconsistent with the .pl Domain Names Regulations.


Each registrar may have a different procedure on releasing authinfo codes. Those procedures are open to the public, therefore you may get acquainted therewith before choosing a registrar so as you are sure they correspond to your needs.

Complaint against the registrar

If a registrar refuses to release the authinfo code, despite the fact that you have met their requirements,you may file a written complaint to NASK. After receiving the complaint we will request the registrar to provide explanations. Instructions on what data the complaint should include, you will find below.

A notification letter should include:

  • registrant’s data,
  • domain name(s),
  • registrar’s name,
  • detailed description of the situation,
  • documents supporting the situation described (e.g. e-mail or postal correspondence),
  • registrant’s or authorized representative’s signature.

The notification letter should be attached with current registration documents confirming the method of registrant’s representation (e.g.: excerpt from the National Court Register, excerpt from the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, civil law partnership agreement). When actions are taken by a registrant’s representative, please attach a proper power of attorney.

The letter may be sent by post (NASK, .pl domain Registry, ul. Kolska 12, 01-045 Warsaw) or e-mail info@dns.pl.

In exceptional situations, when despite our intervention, a registrant cannot obtain an authinfo code from a registrar, the code will be released directly by NASK.