Launch of the first issue of the scientific journal "dot.pl"
Dec 10, 2024, 7:00:00 AMOn 10 December 2024, the first issue of "dot.pl", a scientific journal published by the National Research Institute NASK was released. This inaugural issue features 10 scientific articles, one essay on technology, and a conference report.
The first issue of "dot.pl" tries to present a comprehensive overview of various aspects of digital content usage, which is the subject of current and future legal regulations. Our journal is a valuable resource not only for the domain market community, but also for practitioners for whom the digital world is crucial – said Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, Editor-in-Chief of "dot.pl" and Director of the Domain Name Registry at NASK.
The journal "dot.pl" is a forum for the exchange of opinions and ideas, as well as the presentation of research results on issues relating to the digital market in its broadest sense. It is published as an electronic annual.
Special issues of the journal are also planned. In May 2024, the first special issue of "dot.pl" was published, which included a summary of 2023 in the .pl domain name market and featured the first-ever survey titled "The Internet Through the Eyes of DNS Industry Experts." The next special issue is scheduled for spring and will focus on opinions on illegal content on the Internet.
We encourage you to read the first issue of "dot.pl," available at the following link: https://www.journaldot.pl.